Monday Aug 07, 2017
Episode 4: Solo episode where Jessica talks all about hormone health!
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
In this episode we talk all about hormonal health and how diet plays such a huge role in how our endocrine system functions. We discuss how our sex hormones, adrenals and "flight or fight" system are all intertwined so we can understand how they affect each other.
Though Jessica focuses primarily on women and women's hormones in this episode it is certainly something that men could beenfit from understanding, as well. (And look for a men focused hormonal health episode in the future!
Recorded while getting some much needed R&R at Norris Lake in Tennessee where I was working on taking care of my adrenals and para-sympathetic nervous system so that I can avoid that chronic cortisol state of being! And don't forget to get out there and make yourself some vitmain D - you'll thank me later for it.
To get in touch with Jessica or to talk with her about how to become one of her nutritional coaching clients visit her website at www.jessicatye.com or look her up on facebook at jessicatyenutrition or on instagram @thatketoblonde
Or you can always email her directly at jessica@jessicatye.com
And if you have suggestions for future episodes please let me know. I want to put out there what it is YOU want to hear!
Thanks so much for listening and please take a moment to share this episode with a friend that you think would enjoy it. And please leave me a review on whatever app or website you are listening to this on. That is how the podcast gets ranked so others can find it. Thanks again!
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Episode 3: Nutrition basics, Macronutrients and why they matter.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Today Jessica and co-host Derek dish on macronutrient info and how working with the Keto WOE helps you to optimize our bodies and their usage of these 3 macros: fat, protien and carbohydrates. Why does low fat and low carb not work. Why are all carbohydrates treated the same by your body? What happens when we listen to bad advice to eat too much protien. What...no "heart healthy whole grains" needed? That's right!
Your body will literally make all the carbs that we need if we don't take enough in and we certainly do not need to ever eat carbs in the form of grains and sugar.
We briefly touch on fasting, Intermitent Fasting and Apoptosis. Why do you want that?
Tip of the Day: ever tried Cyrotherapy? Jessica loves this cold treatment. After a month of trying it she has really noticed the effects.
Thanks for listening and don't miss the next episode where we are going to talk about the much requested hormone health topic!
Don't forget to check out Jessica's nutrional coaching info at www.jessicatye.com or email her directly at jessica@jessicatye.com. She is available to coach anyone around the country and can work with you in a variety of ways of eating including Paleo, Keto and Fasting. If you are ready to make some changes and just need help along the way and aren't sure where to get started, give Jessica a call. She will be happy to work with you at a pace you are comfortable with.
Facebook: jessicatyenutrition
Instagram @thatketoblonde
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Episode 2 of Keto Lifestyle
Derek joins the podcast again today while Jessica answers listener questions including how long it takes to become "keto adapted" and what that actually means. How much protien should you be getting and what happens if you eat too much protien. What is total carbs vs net carbs? She shares a list of some of her favorite keto snacks and treats and wraps up with her tip of the day: benefits of using an infrared sauna.
Thank you for listening to this second episode and don't forget to send us a message about what you would like to hear more about in future episodes.
So far the most popular requests have been for an episode about kids and Keto and hormone health so look for those coming up!
For more info or to contact Jessica directly please email her at jessica@jessicatye.com or visit her website: www.jessicatye.com
Facebook: jessicatyenutrition
Instagram @thatketoblonde
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Episode 1: Welcome to Keto Lifestyle!
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Looking for how to start a new healthier lifestyle? Interested in moving away from the Standard American Diet? Are you feeling tired of being tired and just want to get your health and vitality back? Well, that is exactly what we hope to help you achieve on this brand new podcast! While we will focus primarliy on the Ketogenic lifestyle and way of eating, I also plan to give you lots of info on just eating real whole foods and how Paleo is also a really great way for many to get their life and health back. In this very first episode you will get a quick introduction to me, Jessica Tye, and my husband, Derek, who is cohosting with me on this episode and probably a few more in the future.
We touch on describing the Paleo diet, eating "real food" and Ketogenic diet.
Are there things you want to hear about in the future? Certain guests you would like us to have on? Please shoot us an email and let me know! jessica@jessicatye.com
How am I qualified to work with you on your nutrition? I have literally done about every diet out there. I have been vegan, vegetarian, paleo, low carb/low fat....Ive done about every cleanse you can imagine and royally messed up myself along the way. What started me on the right path? In my 30's I was sitting in front of my OB/GYN doctor complaining about how tired I was and how I just seemd to have this stubborn 15lbs I couldn't shed since giving birth to my youngest son nearly 10 years earlier. I always felt bloated and my periods were just getting worse every year. When we got the results back from my blood work she sat me down and told me that I was on my way to type 2 diabetes, had high cholestorol, was anemic and was very very low in vitamin D.
How was this possible? Okay, I knew I had a sweet tooth, but I hadn't been drinking soda regularly in years. Ate occasional treats at parties, special events and holidays and liked a bit of ice cream a few times a week, but I wasn't the candy bar eating, soda sucking, Twinkie loving person I thought you had to be to be running headlong into Type 2 Diabetes.....boy did I so misunderstand how the body worked. And for the record, so did my doctor at least when it came to nutrition. She also suggested that I cut out red meat since my cholestorol was high. I was a VEGAN at this time and had been for nearly 2 years! She put me on a very high dose of Vitamin D and an iron supplement (wasn't red meat supposed to supply me with that?).
I knew that day I had to make some changes. Even though I didn't know much about health and nutrition (even though I thought I did at the time) I knew enough that this didn't make any sense based on what I knew I was eating and NOT eating. I had seen my dad recently be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I had watched my mother in law lose 2 husbands to ill health at an early age and like most of you I knew lots more people (seemingly younger and younger all the time) that were sick and dealing with chronic issues and diseases. My oldest son was also dealing with lots of health issues and had been since birth so I just launched myself into researching nutrition and health. I began learning about the then fairly new way of eating called "Paleo" and the whole "real food" movement. I began working with a Functional Medicine Practioner shortly there after and began turning around my health. My husband jumped on board and we were off to changing our family! In the process we found out that my oldest son high a gluten sensitivity and was suffering greatly from that. My youngest daughter also is gluten sensitive and can't have dairy. Watching our children begin to thrive was amazing and gave me the steam to keep learning.
Early in 2017 I took the "leap" into the Ketogenic way of eating. All of the things that had been continuing to plague me even with all the positive nutrition changes I had made started to clear up once I sent Keto. My adult acne cleared up - I had struggled years with really bad cystic type acne. My intestinal issues and distress went away. Brain fog is all but gone (remember I have 5 kiddos so that's a miracle in itsself ;)! My energy has shot through the roof. I sleep way better than I ever have before and I have lost several dress sizes. Long gone are the heavy and hard periods and the bloat!
I am super passionate about helping others to make changes in their lives and the lives of their families and am super excited to share things I learn on this podcast.
**In this episode I talk about "Oil Pulling" near the end of the podcast (around the 18:00 minute mark) and I completely forgot to finish up by telling you how to end the Oil pulling session. Im sorry! So here you go:
After swishing it around 20 minutes or so (start with 5-10 minutes if you need to and work up to 20 minutes) you can spit it into the trash can (don't spit it down the sink. The oil can gunk up your pipes). Then rinse your mouth with warm water and spit that out. You can brush as normal if you want. I typically just put water on my tooth brush and brush like that for a minute. If you try this out and notice great results I would love to hear about them. Please email me, message me on Facebook, etc. I love hearing how things worked for people. I haven't met anyone yet that did oil pulling and didn't see results - give it a week :)
Thanks for listening!
Facebook: jessicatyenutirion
Instagram @thatketoblonde