Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
In today's episode we discuss the top 10 Keto mistakes that people often make when trying to "go Keto", my favorite 5 essential oils and a little bit about microgreens.
I mention a list of my top nutrition books I recommend anyone should read to get a better understanding of nutrition and health.
And they are:
And finally we talk a little bit about Microgreens! You can get more info about them here: https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/how-to-grow-microgreens/7987.html
Thanks for listening!
Instagram @thatketoblonde
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Today's episode talks about SIBO and how diet and lifestyle can affect your gut and specifically bacteria overgrowth issues. We delve into how Keto can work to help heal gut imbalances and how you can find out if you may be dealing with SIBO or another gut related issue yourself.
Also, desperate parents and teens call for desperate measures, but before you pull out the "BIG GUNS" to blast away that teenage acne let's talk about how diet and lifestyle can help.
And finally, we have some great listeners that send in lots of great questions and emails. Today Jessica reads one on the air and answers the author's questions about diets, weght loss stalls, getting keto adapted and more.
This is a longer podcast this week, but I think we go over a lot of useful info and answers to very common questions and concerns. We really hope that you are able to learn something new today and can be one step closer to more optimal health for you and your family!
Thanks for listening and, as always, please leave us a 5 star review if you are enjoying this podcast. We can't tell you how much it means to us to get those.
If you are interested in reaching out to Jessica please send her an email to jessica@jessicatye.com or follow her on facebook at www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition or visit her website to schedule your free 15 minute consult today to learn how she may be able to help you one on one reach your health and nutrition goals.
You can also follow her on Instagram @thatketoblonde
Links for products discussed in podcast:
Poduct update: bare Minerals Prep Step facial sunscreen - LOVE this sunscreen and it is rated so well on EWG!
www.EWG.com - Enviromental Working Group
www.peachesskincare.com - Perfect PH Toner & Classic Cleanser
www.bragg.com/products/bragg-organic-apple-cider-vinegar.html - apple cider vinegar
www.keto-mojo.com - blood ketone meter
www.ketonix.co - breath ketone meter
www.ibsdiets.org - FODMAP foods list
https://sibotest.com/products?type=tests - SIBO breath test
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Today we are discussing lots of digestive health topics including listener questions concerning what can be done about constipation and what causes it. How using probiotics can help heal digestive issues and what to do about heartburn and acid reflux.....what causes that anyway? And can Keto help me cure endometriosis?
Here are the links to the products and recommendations that Derek and Jessica talk about during today's show:
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Today we answer some of our burning listener questions!
Derek is back with us today and he gives a little recount of his time volunteering in the relief efforts in Houston, TX last week with thousands of other Keller Williams realtors. To join in the relief effort yourself and make a donation please visit: www.redrelief.org.
Question #1: What is the difference between brown fat & white fat and why does it matter?
Question #2: Can Keto help my migraine headaches?
Question #3: I'm trying to get started on a ketogenic diet so should I just get some new recipes and give it a go?
Question #4: I am eating Keto but keep having sugar cravings and don't know how to get passed these. How can I change this? Help!
Derek talked about Keto fuel in making his smoothies. Go here to learn more about it and purchase it for yourself: https://shopketoshake.com/
To get the recipe for the Chocolate Chip Cookie dough "fat bombs" that I mention in this episode please visit my facebook page as it was posted today!
Sponsored today by Hunter Gather Pili Nuts. Sprouted, properly prepared pili buts are available at www.eatpilinuts.com
Use coupon code: JESSICATYE (must use all caps) at checkout for 10% off your order!
Thank you so much for listening today and please take a moment to leave me a review wherever you are listening to thsi podcast. It helps others to find this podcast and it helps me know that you are listening and like what you are hearing. :)
You can follow me on Instagram: @thatketoblonde or like me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition
My website: www.JessicaTye.com
Email: jessica@jessicatye.com
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Supplementing is such a hot topic and a question that I get asked about every single day. Should you supplement or should you not? If you should then what supplements should you be using and why? Learn what they do and what I find myself typically recommending to clients both in Ketosis and not.
Also, if you would like to learn more about how to help the hurricane victims in Texas please follow this link: https://www.kwrelief.org/
Here are the links to all of the supplements that I mention in this episode:
Vitamin D - Nordic Naturals Omega + d3 combines FIsh Oil and Vitamin D or Dr. Mercola D or Riordan D & K2 or Riordan D3 5000iu
Vitamin C - Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C capsules
Fish Oil - Nordic Naturals Cod Liver soft gels or Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega soft gels
Probiotics - For Kids (I didn't get to this in the show but for those parents looking to help supplement their kiddos this is one I reccommend) Hyperbiotics Pro-Kids and for adults Dr. Axe SBO Probiotics or Thorne Flora Mend Prime Probiotics or Prescript-Assist Broad Spectrum Pro & Prebiotic blend
Magnesium - Riordan Clinic Chelated Magnesium Plus
Glutithione - Oxicell Glutathione & SOD Cream or you can take several supportive supplements for increased glutithione production. They are listed below.
n acetyl cystine (NAC)
alpha lipoic acid (ALA)
Zinc - Thrive Market Chelated Zinc w/ copper or I have also used and like Thorne Zinc
And for more information on where you can give blood in your community please visit The American Red Cross online or The AABB online here.
If you would like to follow me on social media you can do so on Facebook here or Instagram @thatketoblonde
Or visit my website at www.jessicatye.com
Thanks for listening this week and please take a moment to leave me a 5 star review on iTunes if you are enjoying this podcast.
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
In this episode I break down all the personal care products that my family and I use from skin care to shampoo and even make-up.
Here are the links to all the products I talk about in this episode:
Saavy Naturals: https://saavynaturals.com/ (body wash, shampoo, soaps)
Alitura Naturals: https://alituranaturals.com/ (clay mask)
Enviromental Working Group: http://www.ewg.org/ (check on all products you currently use)
Bare Minerals SPF lotion: https://www.amazon.com/bareMinerals-Mineral-Shield-Daily-Lotion/dp/B01ETSLIO0/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1504650508&sr=1-1&keywords=bare+minerals+prep+step (Bare Minerals Sunscreen for face)
Sally B's Skin Yummies: https://www.sallybskinyummies.com/ (mineral powder foundation, powder blush, Anitoxidant skin boost, Intensive Eye Repair)
100% Pure products: https://www.100percentpure.com/ (creme blush)
Peaches Skin Care: http://peachesskincare.com/ (Signature firming creme, Classic Cleanser, Perfect pH Toner)
Primal Life Organics: https://www.primallifeorganics.com/collections/facial-products?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrZyzsY2P1gIVxbjACh3YVQBbEAAYASAAEgLpf_D_BwE (Toothpowder)
San Francisco Salt Co.: https://www.amazon.com/Epsoak-Epsom-19lbs-Magnesium-Sulfate/dp/B004N7DQHA/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1504650967&sr=8-2&keywords=san+francisco+salt+company (epsom salt)
Thank you for listening!
Monday Aug 28, 2017
Monday Aug 28, 2017
Today we are talking about your skin health and does the Ketogenic diet help you get better skin? We are going to talk about nutrients, vitamins, fats, carbs, processed foods, oils and how they all affect your skin health. How about what you put on your skin? How do you wash your skin? Do you wear makeup? How many chemicals do you expose your skin to? Do you know that your skin has it's own microbiome? Did you know that the PH level of your skin is super important? Listen today and let's get this figured out together.
My tip of the day is explaining the benefits of DRY BRUSHING. Have you heard of it? Do you do it? Do you do it correctly? It's an excellent thing to do for your skin for sure, but did you also know that it is super good for your immune system and even your digestion?
If you would like to reach out to me please feel free to email directly at jessica@jessicatye.com. You can visit my website at www.jessicatye.com to learn more about me, the nutritional coaching services I offer, links to all my past podcast episodes and more.
If you would like to follow me on Instagram you can find me @thatketoblonde
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition
And please take a moment to leave me a review wherever you are listening to this podcast. I would really appreciate knowing that you are liking the podcast and letting others know this podcast is worth listening to :)
Thank you so much for tuning in!
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
By popular demand we have put together a "Keto Kids" episode! In this episode I actually interview one of my Keto Kids about how and why he chose the ketogenic way of eating.
We discuss meal options, snacks and what is most important to him about this way of eating.
In the second half of the episode I talk a little bit about our family's eating philosphy and how we approach our children's nutrition. I am not an expert on parenting in any way....I am just simply sharing what has been working for us in hopes that it will help someone else out there.
If you enjoy this episode and/or this podcast please leave me a review on whatever app you are listening to this podcast on. It really helps others to be able to find this podcast and helps us know that we are putting out what you want to hear.
You can learn more about me, Jessica, at www.jessicatye.com
Email: jessica@jessicatye.com
Instagram @thatketoblonde
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition
Thanks so much for listening!
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Today's episode is about overcoming a weight loss or "results" stall or plateau when on any diet or WOE - especially regarding Ketogenic diets. Jessica goes through several of the top reasons she sees clients hit a plateus or stalls when working on weight loss or health goals. You may be dealing with one or several of these issues.
Thank you for the episode suggestions..... Keep them coming! I have so many great episodes coming up based on what you all are telling me you want to know.
If you need more info on Jessica please visit her website at www.JessicaTye.com
You can email her at jessica@jessicatye.com or find her on Instagram @thatketoblonde
Facebook at Jessica Tye Nutrition where she posts tips, recipes, product reviews, videos, and answers your questions, etc.
Thanks again for listening and please leave me a review wherever you are listening to this podcast. I appreciate it so much and it really helps others find the podcast.
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Episode 5: Let's get into cholesterol - myths, facts and explanations.
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
In this Episode we have Derek co-hosting with Jessica as they discuss all things related to cholesterol including statin usage, women and cholesterol, how does vitamin D factor in and info on other risk factors including Type 2 diabetes.
With so many misconceptions out there about cholesterol and the use of statins, Jessica and Derek attempt to clear up some of the confusion while talking about the "good" and "bad" cholesterol and the side effects of being on statins and who, if anyone, do statins actually work for. And do you really want them to "worK"?
Thanks for listening and please take a moment to leave me a review on what service you are listening to this podcast on. It really helps others to be able to find the show. You can also get more info about me and the services I offer as a nutrition coach at www.jessicatye.com. I would love to work with you and help you reach your health and weight loss goals!
Jessica Tye
FB: jessicatyenutrition
IG: @thatketoblonde